Friday, September 5, 2008

First Cases In Israel with SimPlant and the Navigator System

That's it! We started to work. The first stock of the Navigator System Kits (Lab and Surgical Kits) is already here, and we started to perform cases with the leading doctors in Israel to create a knowledge database related to SimPlant and the Navigator System.

Click HERE for my Navigator webpage with info and cases.

This is a good time to THANK with all my heart all the persons who made this possible:

Preparations Stage (one of the most exciting years of my life):
- Dr. Philippe Tardieu (The main spirit behind all I do and (think) I know)
- Prof. Martin Gross (Knowledge and how to think)
- Dr. Dov Kischinovsky (Mentor and advisor)
- Dr. Alexander Gross (First SimPlant cases and infinite patience with me)
- Amnon Leitner (Panorama CT - i-CAT Israel)

Production Stage (Just started):
- Dr. Barry Marshak
- Dr. Moshe Goldstein
- Dr. Yuval Wind
- Dr. Hadar Better

And of course, Mrs. Fanny Gross, CEO - HA Systems Ltd., who gave me this great opportunity to work with the exceptional professionals above and with all our clients and potential future clients here in Israel.