Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Model + Waxup Protocol

This is IMHO the best protocol for preparing a case for planning implants (and abutments) using SIMPLANT (or other software). Very easy to implement giving optimal results not depending on the skills of the CAD/CAM technician doing the STL(s) registration(s) and most important, very easy to control by the dentist visually. To be used in conjunction with "The Cotton Rolls Protocol" (in previous item). See this LINK for a full description of the options, samples and how it is done.

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Cotton Rolls CT Protocol

Here you have a simple to implement technique to make very easy the STL registrations and few more great advantages. This Cotton Rolls CT Protocol is a must IMHO, for Kennedy Class I cases, when you have only anterior teeth for the STL registration. See how clearly the posterior gingiva appears in this LINK plus more information. See this LINK (soon) for the full "Inflated Vestibulum Protocol".