Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Model + Antagonist Protocol

See pics and read the text under the pics in this LINK.

Using this (very easy to implement) protocol plus the Inflated Vestibulum Protocol (gap between the jaws, tongue retracted - see this LINK) you can achieve:
- Very accurate model over CT registration
- Very accurate model over antagonist registration (in fact fully automatic)
- Planning implants taking into consideration: bone, soft tissue, antagonist (in the "correct" place as per the dental technician), etc.

WARNING: The antagonist STL (the maxilla in red in the above example) WILL NEVER BE IN SYNC WITH THE CT with this method (even if it looks like...).

NOTE: This protocol can of course be also "Model + Waxup + Antagonist". The Model + Waxup Protocol (following the same principle) in this LINK. In this scenario you import to SIMPLANT three STLs (model, waxup, antagonist) but you do just one registration.